Evansville Penguins

Underwater Hockey



Updated April  22, 2024

The Evansville Penguins Underwater Hockey club is no longer active as of April 2024. This site will remain online to provide information and in case we're able to get going again. Please email uwhevv@gmail.com for more information or to express interest in reviving underwater hockey in Southwest Indiana.


Thank you to our sponsors!

UWH Basics

See the UWH Skills Playlist by Atlantis Sports for a series of 10 short videos demonstrating basic moves in underwater hockey.

The Beginner's Guide to Underwater Hockey is a great resource as well.

Great intro video from the Denver Underwater Hockey club:

New to underwater hockey or our club? Click here for Info for Beginners.

A collection of resources to help you learn more about UWH.

Promotional Flyer

Download our flyer and use it to spread the word!

Printed copies available upon request.